
Civil War drummer & bugler Albert Woolson who died in 1956 at age 109 was the last member of this organization the G.A.R.

Below you may find the Civil War drummer & bugler Albert Woolson who died in 1956 at age 109 was the last member of this organization the G.A.R. which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we…


Tell Your Children was an alternate title of this 1936 film that purports to show the dangers of using marijuana

Below you may find the Tell Your Children was an alternate title of this 1936 film that purports to show the dangers of using marijuana which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad…


The University of Hawaii's Ann Dunham Soetoro Endowment honors a noted anthropologist this man's mother

Below you may find the The University of Hawaii's Ann Dunham Soetoro Endowment honors a noted anthropologist this man's mother which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you out. This…


This Tintern Abbey man implored Scorn not the sonnet; critic you have frowned mindless of its just honours

Below you may find the This Tintern Abbey man implored Scorn not the sonnet; critic you have frowned mindless of its just honours which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help…


Mexico's rugged Barranca del Cobre (Copper Canyon) is found in these mother mountains in Chihuahua state

Below you may find the Mexico's rugged Barranca del Cobre (Copper Canyon) is found in these mother mountains in Chihuahua state which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you out….


Visions of a man in a strange rabbit suit convince Jake Gyllenhaal to commit dangerous crimes in this film

Below you may find the Visions of a man in a strange rabbit suit convince Jake Gyllenhaal to commit dangerous crimes in this film which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to…


John Allen & Elisha Rumsey were both married to women named Ann when they founded this city amidst some groves in 1824

Below you may find the John Allen & Elisha Rumsey were both married to women named Ann when they founded this city amidst some groves in 1824 which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will…