
Philippe-Laurent Roland did things the hard way taking a 1787 selfie in this rock

Below you may find the Philippe-Laurent Roland did things the hard way taking a 1787 selfie in this rock which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you out. This question…


In the NFL a defender who makes contact with an opponent before the ball is snapped is guilty of this infraction

Below you may find the In the NFL a defender who makes contact with an opponent before the ball is snapped is guilty of this infraction which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be…


We're big fans of this 1892 Oscar Wilde title character who has some serious mother issues

Below you may find the We're big fans of this 1892 Oscar Wilde title character who has some serious mother issues which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you out….


Time to put an extra B in a Sunday BBQ! I grill a mean this the breast section beef cut under the 1st 5 ribs & Texas-style if you like!

Below you may find the Time to put an extra B in a Sunday BBQ! I grill a mean this the breast section beef cut under the 1st 5 ribs & Texas-style if you like! which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do…


A sculpted decoration on a wall near the ceiling & the act of keeping prices or wages at a fixed level

Below you may find the A sculpted decoration on a wall near the ceiling & the act of keeping prices or wages at a fixed level which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be…


The death sentence for treason had been suspended in 1553 for this lady–a teen really–but after dad rebelled in '54… not so much

Below you may find the The death sentence for treason had been suspended in 1553 for this lady–a teen really–but after dad rebelled in '54… not so much which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we…


Byron's Pilgrimage of this Childe noted he was sore sick at heart and from his fellow bacchanals would flee

Below you may find the Byron's Pilgrimage of this Childe noted he was sore sick at heart and from his fellow bacchanals would flee which is part of the Jeopardy Archive. In case the question or answer is wrong or something is missing do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to…